Mackintosh wrote to Newbery to ask for a reference in order to help resolve his difficulties with the authorities following his arrest on suspicion of spying for the enemy during his time in Walberswick 1914-15.
The original is now in the archive of The Glasgow School of Art.

Walberswick Suffolk
Dear Mr Newbery
I am writing to ask if you will please write me a letter setting forth your knowledge of me personally and professionally. We have to lay our case before the Home Secretary and among others I want a letter from you. Please send it here as soon as possible as every days delay is unfortunate You can believe me when I say that neither of us have done anything here to deserve being placed in our present unfortunate position I feel that a simple statement from you would be of great value It has given me much pleasure to hear that you are well and strong again
Yours sincerely
C. R. Mackintosh
Image courtesy of The Glasgow School of Art Libraries and Archives.
Photo: Clare Henry
Link to GSA website with details of the letter.